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Wednesday, 18 November 2015

See Why You Should Stop Making France Flag Your Profile Picture

After the unfortunate bomb blasts and shooting
incidence in Paris last week, lots of people
around the world, especially Nigerians has
taken to the social media to “mourn” with

It was first the #prayforparis hash tag that
flooded the social media, now using the
France Flag as a profile picture is the new
social media trend.

While this may be seen as a commendable
act, there are few questions begging for
answer. Nigeria as a country has been
battling with terrorism attacks which has
claimed many lives, not only Nigeria, but
some other countries in the middle east
have been in chaos for many years, why
are they not getting any attention? Why is
France our only Prayer point while some
other countries are also under attack?
There was another bomb blast in Yola, Adamawa state just yesterday and no one is neither talking about it or praying for Nigeria.

This tweet by a citizen of France and
some of the responses it got should be
enough to change change our mentality.

Let's pray for the peace of our planet, let's pray that terrorism will end and our generation will witness tranquility. One life is not more important than the other, either an American or an African.

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